University Research Council

The University Research Council (URC) is a “stand-alone” council established to foster research at New Mexico State University. Its role is to offer advice to the Vice President for Research and the Executive Vice President and Provost regarding research affairs at the University. The council defines needs of the faculty and other researchers; analyzes services, policies, and procedures that affect research; and makes recommendations which, in its view, will facilitate the research process and research productivity at the University. The URC is not a policy making body, but rather a council established to develop policy recommendations to be passed on, through the Vice President for Research to the Executive Vice President and Provost, the Academic Deans’ Council, and the Faculty Senate.

The structure of the URC consists of an elected chairperson, and executive committee, and committees established to address specific issues. Appointments to the subcommittees are made by the executive committee. The Office of the Vice President for Research serves as the office of record for the URC.

Research and Creativity Week

Every year the University Research Council Research and Creative Activities Fair is organized by the Office of the VP for Research. The 2023 Research & Creativity Week is scheduled for February 21-25, 2023. Please visit this website for more details: Research and Creativity Week

This gathering provides an opportunity for the research and creative activity community at NMSU to demonstrate the diversity of its scope, develop new linkages with colleagues across the university, and show the community the innovations taking place on campus. The Fair is open to individuals, centers or institutes, and special programs involved with research and creative activities across the campus. The Fair exhibitions are expected to be displayed by the faculty and professional staff involved with the projects but graduate and undergraduate students are encouraged to attend.

URC Membership

Executive Committee

  • Aubrey Iglesias (Chair)
  • Vacant (Chair-Elect)
  • Marshall Taylor (Past-Chair)
  • Vacant (Faculty Senate Representative)

Faculty Appointments

Research Institute/Specialization Appointments