Resources for Investigators

General FAQ

Q1: Can faculty submit a proposal through the NMSU Foundation?

A1: All proposals for external funding must be submitted by Research Administration Services (RAS) except for those where the proposal must be submitted by a 501(c)3 organization. In this case, faculty should contact the NMSU Foundation with the understanding that unit works independently from RAS.

Proposal Preparation

Cost Sharing Policy

Data Management Planning (Looking for data or where to host it? See Google's Dataset Search.)

Dryad Data Repository [ Intro | Dryad101 | Recording | Slides ] (Note: Dryad requires an ORCID ID for login)

Facilities and Equipment – Institutional

Frequently Used Information

Pivot (grant opportunities search engine) [ Quick Start Guide ]

Principal Investigators (PI) [ Training (SPA) ]

Proposal Development Services

Proposal Submission Process (Engineering)

Research Administration Services [ (575) 646-1590 | ]

Awards and Project Management

Accounts Payable [ (575) 646-1189 | ]

Banner Document Management Suite (BDMS)

COGNOS (My Research financial reports) via NMSU Analytics

Effort Certification

Human Resource Services | Position Classifications [ (575) 646-8000 | 

Labor Redistribution

PCard | Restricted Purchases [ (575) 646-2000 | ]

Purchasing | Policies [ (575) 646-2916 | ]

Research Administration Services [ (575) 646-1590 | ]

Research Compliance [ (575) 646-7177 | ]

Research Laboratory Safety [ (575) 646-3327 | ]

NMSU Subawards | Policy [ (575) 646-1590 | ]

Sponsored Projects Accounting [ 575-646-1675 | ]


Travel | Policies [ (575) 646-1189 |