Institutional Research Strengths
The mission of the Office of Research, Creativity and Economic Development (RCED) is to advance university success in research, scholarship, and creative activity through exemplary service to the faculty, staff, and student corps. The following research areas are institutional strengths and lie at the intersection of having a critical mass of active inter-disciplinary researchers at NMSU, being a national priority or challenge, and aligning with the goals of NMSU LEADS 2025.
1. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Strengths and interests at NMSU include: AI, bioinformatics, data mining, knowledge representation and reasoning, machine learning and deep learning, sensing and sensor development, signal processing, and applications of AI in agriculture, cybersecurity, and finance.
This area aligns with:

2. Biomedical Science
Strengths and interests at NMSU include: bioinformatics, biomedical engineering, cancer research, cell signaling and regulation, community health, drug discovery, imaging technology, molecular biology, reproduction, and vector biology.
This area aligns with:

3. Energy, Environment, and Water
Strengths and interests at NMSU include: (Energy) photovoltaics, smart grids; (Environment) environmental microbiology, policy, wastewater treatment; (Water) conservation, desalination, management, efficient water use in food processing and oil and gas production, i.e. produced water.
This area aligns with:

4. Food Production, Safety, Science, and Security
Strengths and interests at NMSU include: agriculture and food production in arid lands, food safety, food science and technology, food security including supply chain and logistics, food sustainability including bioprocessing and microbiology.
This area aligns with:

4. Transforming STEM Education
Strengths and interests at NMSU include: career pathways, K-12 family engagementcurriculum, extra-curricular, professional/teacher development, teaching diverse populations, and pedagogy.
Activity: In Progress: STEM ED Center
This area aligns with:

[DOD1] Department of Defense, "Digital Modernization Strategy,"
[DOD2] Department of Defense, "Modernization Priorities,"
[DOE1] Department of Energy, Office of Science, "Initiatives of Special Priority: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning,”
[DOE2] Department of Energy, Office of Science, "Initiatives of Special Priority: Advanced and Sustainable Energy,”
[LEADS1] New Mexico State University, "LEADS 2025: Global Challenges”
[LEADS2] New Mexico State University, "LEADS2025 Objective 3.3: Improve PK-20 Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) education,"
[LEADS3] New Mexico State University, "LEADS 2025: Objective 2.2: Intentionally grow humanities, social sciences and creative arts to achieve comprehensive excellence in research and creative activity,"
[NAE1] The National Academy of Engineering, "Grand Challenges for Engineering: Make Solar Energy Economical,”
[NAE2] The National Academy of Engineering, "Grand Challenges for Engineering: Manage the Nitrogen Cycle,”
[NAE3] The National Academy of Engineering, "Grand Challenges for Engineering: Provide Access to Clean Water,”
[NAE4] The National Academy of Engineering, "Advance Personalized Learning,”
[NSB] National Science Board, "Vision 2030,"
[NSF1] National Science Foundation, "NSF's 10 Big Ideas: Harnessing the Data Revolution,"
[NSF2] National Science Foundation, "NSF's 10 Big Ideas: Understanding the Rules of Life,"
[NSF3] National Science Foundation, "NSF's 10 Big Ideas: Enhancing Science and Engineering Education through Diversity,"
[NSF5] National Science Foundation, "NSF's 10 Big Ideas: Growing Convergence Research",
[NSTC] National Science and Technology Council, "National Artificial Intelligence Research and Development Strategic Plan,"
[USAID1] USAID, "Grand Challenge for Development: Powering Agriculture,"
[USAID2] USAID, Grand Challenge for Development: Water and Energy for Food,"
[USAID3] USAID, "Grand Challenge for Development: Securing Water for Food,"
[USDA1] Department of Agriculture, "Dual Purpose with Dual Benefit: Research in Biomedicine and Agriculture,"
[USDA2] Department of Agriculture, "Big Data, Informatics, and Smart Communities,"
[USDA3] Department of Agriculture, "Challenge Areas: Food Safety, Food Security, and Water,"