Biomedical Research Facility (BRF)

What we do

The BRF is a research vivarium and lab facility for biomedical research. It includes state-of-the-art animal housing, research and support space, and well-equipped labs for the processing of tissue samples.

Logo for the Research Cores Program featuring stylized waveforms above the program name.

What we offer

The BRF is a two-part facility that, when fully complete, will be housed in a single building of over 20,000 square feet. The Lab Animal Vivarium is operational and was built to house lab-derived research animals. It includes animal housing, a quarantine suite, research rooms, a support core, a surgery suite, and imaging and analysis labs. The adjoining Wild Animal Vivarium will be constructed in 2025 and will include housing for wild-derived animals, an entomology suite, and aviaries for wild birds and bats. It will also include a quarantine suite, additional research spaces, and microscopy, physiology and genetics labs. The current NMSU Animal Care Facility is available to house non-lab-derived animals pending completion of the new Wild Animal Vivarium.

The BRF has a robust complement of cutting-edge equipment to aid in storing, processing, imaging and analyzing tissue and fluid samples.

Image of two laboratory freezers side by side, one labeled "VIP ECO" and the other with a digital display showing the temperature.

Sample Processing and Storage

  • Cold sample storage (fridges, -20 and -80 freezers)
  • Leica CM3050s cryostat
  • Laxco Accuva Cellect Laser Capture Micro-dissection system
LCMS 8050 image

Sample Imaging, Microscopy, and Physiology

  • Odyssey M Imaging system
  • Minitube Androvision
  • Olympus SZX7 stereoscope
  • Leica Dissecting stereoscope
  • EchoMRI QNMR machine for Body Composition Analysis
GCMS image

Genetic, Protein and Cell Analysis

  • Sony MA900 Flow Cytometry Cell Sorter
  • Biorad CFX Opus 96 qPCR machine
  • Biorad C1000 PCR thermocycler
  • Biorad Geldoc Imager
  • Agilent Tapestation 4150
  • Thermofisher King Fisher Flex
  • Qubit Flex Nucleic Acid Quantification

Working with BRF

The BRF Management Team administers the usage of the BRF and its equipment.

To initiate a usage request:

  1. Discuss your project needs with the Management Team (contacts below).
  2. Submit a completed BRF Intake Form

Management Team:

  • Alfredo Montoya, BRF Facility Manager: General questions, tours, and logistics
  • Timothy Wright, BRF Scientific Director: Facility capabilities, study set-up, usage planning
  • JoAnne Dupre, NMSU Director of Compliance Administration: Biosafety, IACUC and other regulatory compliance processes
  • Tanner Schaub, NMSU AVPR for Infrastructure & Partnerships: BRF usage in proposals, teaming, capacity building, administration

Who we are

The BRF is a multi-user facility of the NMSU Research Cores Program through the Office of the Vice President for Research, Creativity, and Economic Development, which provides NMSU researchers, students, and collaborators with broad access to state-of-the-art technology, training opportunities, and other research resources. State of New Mexico General Obligation Bonds have funded construction of the Biomedical Research Facility, with additional funds from the NM Technology Enhancement Fund and a C06 construction grant from the National Institutes of Health.

BRF Management Committee

BRF Facility

Alfredo Montoya


JoAnne Dupre

Tim Wright
BRF Scientific Director

Tim Wright
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Tanner Schaub
AVPR for Infrastructure & Partnerships

Tanner Schaub
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