IACUC Protocol Forms

IACUC protocol forms are in Streamlyne
- Please contact us by email to ric_admin@nmsu.edu, for questions and assistance with the Streamlyne IACUC module
- Current faculty and employees: for IRB and IACUC, access the electronic system in Streamlyne
- Student researchers: please complete the request for Streamlyne Student Access
- Researchers external to NMSU: please complete a request for Non-NMSU Researcher Access
Animal Use in Research Application (Revised October 2015)
Appendix A – Research
Appendix B – Colony/Herd Management
Appendix C – Classroom, and Demonstration
Supplemental Procedures – please contact the IACUC Chair for the current forms
IACUC Protocol Amendment
IACUC Forms for Animal Worker Safety
Animal Workers Occupational Health and Safety Program Overview
For Animal Welfare concerns, please contact Dr. Shanna Ivey at 575-646-5279 or the Office of the Vice President for Research at 575-646-2481 or ovpr@nmsu.edu.
Confidential reports can be made through the NMSU Ethicspoint portal.
NMSU Researchers are committed to the highest standards of ethics in animal care and use. Animal health and humane treatment are vital to responsible research. An appropriate executive team will investigate all reports. Employees, students, and IACUC members shall be free from retaliation for voicing concerns and cooperating in investigations, per NMSU’s Administrative Rules and Procedures (ARP) Chapter 3.