CAIL | Chemical Analysis and Instrumentation Laboratory
What we do
CAIL performs mass spectrometry analyses, and makes advanced mass spectrometry instrumentation and other research equipment widely available, to support leading edge research in agriculture, engineering, science, and other disciplines. CAIL analyzes samples, assists with method development and data analysis, trains students, and maintains instrument performance and availability. CAIL is made sustainable through collaborative research projects, which fund project supplies, staff availability, and instrument maintenance and improvement. To this end, CAIL also supports proposal preparation through the acquisition of preliminary data and the development of budgets and method descriptions.
Targeted Analysis
Selective, sensitive methods using chemical standards to detect and quantify one or more predetermined target chemicals.
Nontargeted Analysis
Broad, qualitative methods using advanced data analytics to detect and identify as many chemical substances as possible.
Bottom-up approaches to identify proteins and characterize amino acid sequences and post-translational modifications after proteolytic digestion.
What we offer
CAIL comprises approximately 1,300 square feet of laboratory space, and 315 square feet of additional sample preparation space. It provides state-of-the-art mass spectrometry instrumentation and other research equipment for analyzing a wide variety of biological, environmental, and other samples, including the equipment necessary for sample and standards preparation.

LC-Fusion Tribrid Orbitrap MS
- High resolution mass spectrometer
- Micro- or nano-flow liquid chromatography
- Multiple fragmentation techniques
- Proteomics and nontargeted analysis

LC-MS 8050
- Triple quadrupole mass spectrometer
- Ultra performance liquid chromatography
- Chemical and electrospray ionization
- Targeted, quantitative analysis

- Single quadupole mass spectrometer
- Gas chromatography
- Liquid autosampler or PTV
- Targeted or nontargeted analysis of volatile and semivolatile compounds
CAIL instruments can be reserved through the LabArchives Scheduler system, which maintains a calendar for each instrument, provides alerts for upcoming reservations, and uses a check-in/check-out system to log actual instrument use. Please contact Robert B. Young for more information and an invitation to the LabArchives Scheduler system.
Who we are
CAIL is a multi-user facility, and component of the NMSU Research Cores Program, which provides NMSU researchers, NM-INBRE members, and their partners with broad access to state-of-the-art technology, training opportunities, and other research resources in support of the mission of NMSU Research, Creativity and Strategic Initiatives and the Office of the Vice President for Research.

Where we are
CAIL is located in the west wing of Skeen Hall on the NMSU main campus.
New Mexico State UniversityChemical Analysis & Instrumentation Laboratory
Las Cruces, NM 88003
Las Cruces, NM 88003